NEW REMIX: Aaliyah - “Are You That Somebody”

Today would have been Aaliyah’s 44th birthday and in honor of that, I made the coolest remix I’m ever gonna make (kind of a mashup too?) 

I was on a big Aaliyah kick recently, found a usable studio vocal for Are You That Somebody and went all in. I knew I wanted something slow and sexy, and 🎶boooyyyy🎶 is it sexy. Right away I knew I wanted a trip-hoppy kind of beat and I couldn’t get this Nine Inch Nails track, Me, I’m Not, out of my head - except wait, there are stems for it, so why NOT just use the drums from it here? And since Aaliyah and Trent Reznor were huge fans of each other and had talked about working together, why NOT kinda-sorta almost make something like the Nine Inch Nails/Aaliyah collab that never happened? 

Bold and arrogant? Sure. One of my better ideas? Easily. 

I’m probably more proud of this than any other remix I’ve ever done. I don’t have much else to say other than if you listen to this and feel like you really need to fuck someone like right away, you should, with urgency, pursue that instinct with the nearest consenting participant. 

Hit this link to hear my remix of Are You That Somebody on SoundCloud. 

OH! And I’ve documented most of the process of working on this thing, so check my TikTok for a series of videos about it. 




SET OF CONSTRAINTS: New album out now