Telepathic Friends: Introducing ULTRA PSYCHIC MEGA MONOLITH / New AW track

Tonight is a special night.

Tonight sees the launch of Ultra Psychic Mega Monolith, a new collective of artists based in (but not limited to) Raleigh, NC, of which I am proud to be a member.

We launch this evening by offering Telepathic Friends, Vol. 1, a compilation of tracks from over a dozen talented artists, most of which are new and exclusive to this release. I’ve contributed a new track, "They’re Splitting Atoms, Somewhere" to the album.

You can get it right here as a free download. If you like what you hear and you’d like to help upset the established order of the Raleigh music scene, particularly with regards to electronica, spread the word.

(And please, for fuck’s sake, Like the Facebook page.)

I will be sticking with Mega Monolith for the foreseeable future, which includes releasing my next EP due out Spring 2015, as well as a number of other projects I’m working on for next year.


2015: The Re-brand-ening!
